
The friendship of mothers is best realize as we pray for each other in the vocation we share. We are daughters of the New Eve. It is Mary who waits for us, journeys with us, cries with us, laughs with us, teaches us, and prays with us. As we retire in the evenings, may we find joy in knowing that, we may be someone's mother by day, but by night, we sleep in peace as her daughters, first.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

 I love her, Mommy! 

What does love sound like when love sings?  

If it is true, as Saint Augustine believed, 
that "singing belongs to one who loves," 
than the love song awaits the voice 
when love is finally known.

Once love is known, the song takes flight, holding the voice captive.   
The moment love is understood, the song is sure to follow.

Remember with me what that moment must have been like 

when Mary first understood 
what the love of our Heavenly Father would mean, 
for all of human kind, 
through the message of the Angel Gabriel.

That first moment when Gabriel would speak her name, 

"Hail, Mary, Full of Grace", she begins to understand
the love of her Father-God, 
to choose so humble and hidden a gentle daughter of prayer, 
as His means to answer the prayers of her people.  
This Love turns words into Flesh.  
This Love raises Life.  
This Love saves the lost.  
This Love raises voices into song.

This song of Gabriel is passed onto us, 

each time we pray these first words to Mary. 
Our voices join the choir of heavenly hosts and saints 
from the beginning of time 
through all eternity, with five simple words, 
'Hail Mary, Full of Grace'.

 When we pray these words, 

we reveal our trust in God's Love~through, with and in His daughter, 
the Mother of the Word~Incarnate, our Mother.   
We remember with her, that moment 
when she trusted and received her Son and Savior, 
as the humble handmaid of the Lord.  

Mary's trust in her Savior inspires miracles and signs of wonder.  

One moment in time, she shares her cares with Jesus, 
when they were invited to attend a wedding feast together.  
The wine had run out.   
She implores the help of her Savior-Son, 
knowing that they would not be left unaided.  
She teaches us the answer to every prayer, 
"Do whatever He tells you."

My little daughter's own expression of love captured in this picture has found a song in my heart.  Her childlike confidence teaches me to trust my prayers to the attentive care of Mary.  When we pray the Memorare each day, we are reminded that ‘never was it known’ that our cares would be ‘left unaided’ when entrusted to the Daughter of His trust.  We are inspired to offer this prayer, The Memorare, through the witness of the 17th century poor French priest, Fr. Claude Bernard, who depended on this prayer for his own miraculous healing and for the conversion of many hardened criminals.  He had over 200,000 leaflets made of the Memorare, which resulted in many reconciled to God before their deaths.  
And so, we trust and pray.    From the greeting words of Archangel Gabriel,
To the last recorded words of our Blessed Mother Mary in Sacred Scripture
Through the love of our Saintly Siblings in the prayer of the Memorare, 
                                              love has found this song.   

 We sing what we cherish to remember, 
when love first became known.


 Remembering Cana-The Memorare

Remembering Cana
(Never Was it Known-The Memorare)
Music Composition by Sharon M. Willoughby

A subtle use of vocal harmony, acoustic guitar, orchestra strings
Recorded May 6th, 2015. birthday of my fifth grand child, Cashyl Ryan Willoughby
Bakers Productions
Cullman, AL

Ave Maria~Gratia Plena
There are those who’ve fled to your protection.
And so, I fly unto you.
There are those who’ve implored your assistance.
To you I fly, before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful.

Remember, Most Gracious Virgin Mary, (His Daughter)
Remember, O Virgin of Virgins, (Our Mother)
Remember, O Mother of the Word, (Incarnate)
O, Mother of Mercy, hear and Answer Me...
Never was it known.  Never was it known.

There are those who’ve sought your intercession.
Never left unaided.
To you I cry, despise not my prayer,
Hear and answer me.

Remember, Most Gracious Virgin Mary, (His Daughter)
Remember, O Virgin of Virgins, (Our Mother)
Remember, O Mother of the Word, (Incarnate)
O, Mother of Mercy, hear and answer me.
Never was it known.  Never was it known.
Hear, hear and answer me.
Do whatever He tells you...


 The Wedding at  Cana
      (John 2)
On the third day there was a marriage at Cana in Galilee and the mother of Jesus was here; Jesus also was invited to the marriage, with his disciples.  When the wine failed, the mother of Jesus said to him, 'they have no wine.' And Jesus said to her, "O woman, what have you to do with me?  My hour has not yet come."  His mother said to the servants,
                                       "Do whatever he tells you."
The Navarre Bible


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