
The friendship of mothers is best realize as we pray for each other in the vocation we share. We are daughters of the New Eve. It is Mary who waits for us, journeys with us, cries with us, laughs with us, teaches us, and prays with us. As we retire in the evenings, may we find joy in knowing that, we may be someone's mother by day, but by night, we sleep in peace as her daughters, first.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Moms in Christ!

May 18, 201O

Celebrating our Beloved Blessed Pope John Paul today.

Friday, May 07, 2010

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, Reign in our home.

Father Smith Enthroned our Sacred Heart on August 27, 2008,
within the octave of his birthday.

These images were gifts to us from the Legion of Mary chapter at our parish

Dear Mothers of the Sacred Heart,

As a cradle Catholic,
it seems as though I can not remember a time in my life
when the devotion of honoring the
Sacred Heart on every First Friday for nine months
was not expressed to me from the members of my family.
For the past three homes,
we have Enthroned our home in the Sacred Heart.
Even when we lived on the navy base in Key West,
we had our four bedroom town-house Entroned in the Sacred Heart.
It wasn't until this past lenten season that I truly began
to discover the writings of Father Mateo Crawley-Boevey, SS.CC.,
who was blessed by Pope Pius X to spread devotion
to the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in Homes back in 1907.
What is transforming our home
is the life that is happening with the attentiveness
to the Sacred Heart after the Enthronement.
Daily, this Sacred Heart is becoming place
of family prayer in the home.

From what I read of him, it sounds as though
Fr. Mateo was the 'Father Corapi' of his day.
People were drawn to him in great numbers to hear him speak of
the sanctification of the family by the act of
Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the home.
Richard Cardinal Cushing writes of him:

"When the history of Christian spirituality is extended in years to come
to the period in which we are living,
Father Mateo will unquestionably be singled out as the leader
of a most
helpful and inspiring movement for the sanctification of the family,
and thus for the restoration of all things in Christ.

The Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the home
has been
the means of arousing and sustaining within thousands of families
throughout the world the love of God and the loyalty to Christ our Lord,
which must be the focal points of genuine domestic happiness and peace."

I wish to write more of Fr. Mateo and expand on his writings,
but for today, I will keep my thoughts
directed toward this First Friday in May.
Even further, he wrote a book entitled, "Holy Hour",
where the family may pray these Holy Hours every first Friday
of every month throughout the year before
the Sacred Heart in their home.
The Enthroned Sacred Heart is where the family rallies for prayer,
especially the First Friday's each month.

Because it is the month of May, our Lady's month
and Mother's Day is on Sunday,
I am posting a part of the May First Friday Holy Hour with
the Enthroned Sacred Heart in the home, for all mothers,
who Father Mateo seems to have understood passionately:
Mothers truly are in the Sacred Heart of Jesus!

"Good Master,
You know the abyss of faithful love in the heroic souls of mothers...

You know their worth...

how they pray, with what power they love...

how they suffer...

By the remembrance of Mary Immaculate...

by the tears You did shed in seeing her weep over
Your absence
and over the ignominy of Your sorrowful Passion...
we pray You, Jesus, to listen to the supplications of mothers
who help You to save souls,

by suffering for them at Your Feet.
See with what ardent faith
they implore the salvation of their families.
Hearken to those who acclaim You their beloved King
at their children's cradle and their husband's tomb.

By those tears and prayers they ask You
for the decisive victory of Your Sacred heart...
They confide to that divine Ark all the treasures of their love...


There are too many who have reason to tear
for the Christian future
of their children
those who already suffer from
the sad consequences
of the first downfall...
Very many with tears in their eyes
perceive also that worldly gatherings,
dangerous friendships, and frivolous reading
dull the consciences
endanger the eternal salvation of their children...
Good Jesus,
You have confided to them the souls of their husbands and children;
they have laid them with trusting love
on the altar of Your Sacred Heart...
King of Mercy,

during this Holy Hour remember Your Blessed Mother

as You certainly did remember her
in the Garden of Gethsemane...
and in gratitude for her tenderness,
as reward for her sublime virtues
as compensation for her sorrows, save the home,
O! Save the Christian family...

if the prayer of a single mother
had the power to touch Your Heart

and obtain the resurrection of her child,

may the supplications of so many sorrowing mothers

obtain during this hour of exceptional grace the salvation...

still more, the sanctification of the family sanctuary which You,
Yourself do claim as Your throne,
O King of Love."

In Their Hearts,