Recital Day June 20th, 2009
"I know I'm only five years old,
but today, I had my very first recital.
Last year we had to move away before recital day.
This year, Mommy found a very nice place for me
to learn tap and ballet.
My teacher is so nice and so special.
Mommy really likes her!
Today, my Daddy, Jordan, Jason, Brendan,
Christian, John Dom and my Mom were there to see me dance
to the song, "Never Smile at a Crocodile".
I really missed Ryan, but Jordan sent him pictures
off his cell phone.
This was the very first time I ever was asked to wear make-up.
I couldn't wait to put on green eye 'splash' and red lipstick.
Mommy was able to put my hair in a big bun
and it looked so different than the way I usually wear my hair.
After I danced, I was waiting back stage when my Daddy came.
He had a surprise for me.
It was a beautiful rose.
I was so surprised.
It was the very first time anyone ever gave me a rose.
Daddy told me that I am his princess.
When I got home, Mommy helped me find just the right vase
so that I could put the rose on my dresser in my bedroom.
All my brothers were so proud of me.
Mommy says I seemed to really smile a lot
when I saw my brothers there to watch me dance.
Mommy thinks I should be a 'crocodile' for Halloween...
me, too!
I love to dance and sing because joy comes out in
special ways when I do.
Commissioning Day at the National Museum of the Marine Corps
May 30th 2009
Reverend Matthew Price Oswalt offers the Invocation
(Bishop John Carol Prayer for America, adapted)
We pray, Thee O Almight and Eternal God!
Who through Jesus Christ hast revealed Thy glory to all nations,
to preserve the works of Thy mercy, that Thy Church,
being spread through the whole world,
may continue with unchanging faith
in the confession of Thy Name.
We pray Thee, who alone art good and holy,
to endow with heavenly knowledge, sincere zeal,
and sanctity of life, our chief bishop,
Pope Benedict, the Vicar of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
in the government of his Church,
our own Bishop, Paul, all other bishops,
prelates, and pastors of the Church;
and especially those who are appointed to
exercise amongst us the functions of the holy ministry,
and conduct Thy people into the ways of salvation.
We pray Thee, O God of might, wisdom, and justice!
Through whom authority is rightly administered,
laws enacted, and judgment decreed,
assist Thy Holy Spirit of counsel and fortitude
the President of these United States,
that his administration may be conducted
in righteousness, and be eminently useful
to Thy people over whom he presides;
by encouraging due respect for virtue and religion;
by a faithful execution of the laws in justice and mercy;
and by restraining vice and immorality.
Let the light of Thy divine wisdom
direct the deliberations of Congress,
and shine forth in all the proceedings and laws
framed for our rule and government,
so that they may tend to the preservation of peace,
the promotion of national happiness,
the increase of industry, sobriety,
and useful knowledge;
and may perpetuate to us the blessing of equal liberty.
We pray for his excellency, the governor of this state,
for the members of the assembly,
for all judges, magistrates, and other officers
who are appointed to guard our political welfare,
that they may be enabled,
by Thy powerful protection, to discharge the duties
of their respective stations with honesty and ability.
We recommend likewise, to Thy unbounded mercy,
all our brethren and fellow citizens throughout the United States,
that they may be blessed in the knowledge and sactified
in the observance of Thy most holy law;
that they may be preserved in union,
and in that peace which the world cannot give;
and after enjoying the blessings of this life,
be admitted to those which are eternal.
We pray for Your beloved son, Jordan,
who today we set aside for the duty of Marine.
As he takes up this mantle of service four our country,
we ask that you assign him
a special Angel to guard and guide him in his military duties.
Surround him with Your might;
let the cause of justice and peace be his virtues.
Send Saint Michael the Archangel with his legions
to go before him into any battle which may come his way.
May he only serve with honor and dignity
and being ever faithful to you,
the one true God,
always bring the motto to the Corps to its fulfillment:
Finally, we pray to Thee, O Lord of mercy,
to remember the souls of Thy servants departed
who are gone before us with the sign of faith
and repose in the sleep of peace;
the souls of our parents, relatives, and friends;
of those who, when living, were members
of this congregation, and particularly of such as lately deceased;
of all benefactors who, by their donations or legacies to this Church,
witnessed their zeal for the decency of divine worship
and proved their claim to our grateful and charitable remembrance.
To these, O Lord, and to all that rest in Chirst,
grant, we beseech Thee, a place of refreshment, light
and everlasting peace,
through the same Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior.
Prayer of Blessing
Almighty and Ever-living God
You have favored Your people through out all time.
You called Your Servant David to go into Battle
against his enemies and called Your Son to battle
the greatest enemy: sin and death.
In our time, You chose men and women for service
in the defense of freedom, justice and peace,
we pray for Your son, Jordan David Michael,
now commissioned as a Marine and an officer.
As we anoint him with the waters of the Jordan;
made holy by our Savior's entrance
into the very fray of humanity,
as He stepped into them,
to be baptized by Saint John the Baptist,
we pray for Your abundant blessing
to descend now upon our brother.
As we anoint his head,
grant him wisdom to know what is right;
As we anoint his ears,
may he always hear Your Word and
rightly listen with openness;
As we anoint his eyes,
may he see the vision of tomorrow
with the light of faith;
As we anoint his shoulders,
may he learn to carry the burden of leadership
as did our Savior, who carried the Cross to Calvary,
knowing it was heavy,
but that the weight was made easier
by those who assisted.
As we anoint his hands,
may he accept the challenges of labors
which lie ahead of him,
to guide and guard those entrusted
to his leadership
with tenderness and meekness, knowing that
the meek shall inherit the earth.
As we anoint his feet,
may he walk in the ways of the Lord,
all the days of his life, and
in the path of holiness and righteousness;
never seeking his own glory,
but only to please You, O Lord,
who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
As we anoint his person,
which is consecrated to You,
may he do all things in accordance with Your holy Will,
seeking the valor of the brave men and women
who have gone before him,
especially the saints of the Faith,
who having completed their mission,
now serve You in the glory of Your Kingdom.
We make our prayer,
through the intercession of Saint Michael, the Archangel,
who will come at the end of time,
to do battle against the Evil One and
lead us into the Victory for the Lamb of God.
All Glory and Honor is yours Almighty Father,
in the Holy Spirit and in the Name of the Victor,
Christ Jesus our Lord, forever and ever.
Engaged May 24th, Ascension (Sunday), 2009
We've Only Just Begun...