The Blooms of Mercy in My Soul...
This beautiful view draws our attention
throughout the day as we engage in family life.
We have a wall of window
and have seen the real expressions of the seasons,
sung by a choir of trees behind us.
This solo tree has transformed itself to our family
throughout the seasonal advances.
How providential is nature
when it serves to be a sign of change
that completes the promise...
renewed in every spring.
Oh...the justice of winter!
Ah...the mercy of spring!
Our Creator is showing us
how mercy speaks through the seasons.
How awesome to see the blooms of mercy all around us.
...the sign language of Our Creator God!
April 20, 2009
Christ instituted the sacrament of Penance
as His first gift to the Church.
On Easter Sunday night, He said to His Apostles,
'Peace be with you'
and showed them His hands and His side.
The disciples were filled with joy
when they saw the Lord, and
He said to them again,
'Peace be with you.
As the Father sent me, so I am sending you.'
After saying this He breathed on them and said,
'Receive the Holy Spirit.
For whose sins you retain, they are retained'.
(John 20:19)
Father John Hardon, S.J.
This scripture reference has brought forth
for me a special appreciation for Easter Sunday night,
in that this was the night the Church received the
Sacrament of Reconciliation. On this night,
the Lord puts 'flesh' on His forgiveness through
his Apostles and successors to them, the priesthood.
This picture of the Lord, I found in a discounted bin
in Hanceville, Alabama,
at the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament,
where Mother Angelica has retired.
At first, I didn't seem affected by the picture.
But the power of the resurrection began to grow for me
and I gaze and ponder this portrayal of Our King.
It may be in the simplicity of the crown that
is victorious over the wounds.
Perhaps it is in the captured peace in the eyes,
that commands attentiveness to love.
This is the picture, for me, that defines
this Man-God that has claimed us for His own.
This reflection below is what in my heart this Easter Sunday.
Blessings to all,
The King Groom Has Returned!
He came to us through motherhood...
He left us through friendship...
He has returned to us through Marriage...
It is the Anniversary Easter Wedding Feast for His Bride.
She is adorned in magnificent blooms...
filled with the richest music...
rejoicing the return of Her King Groom, the Lord!
Sing, Alleluia!
On this Easter Day of Homecomings,
She opens Her heart to receive His Presence again.
Her joy will be the instruments played for each song that is sung.
Her hope will bring forth the blooms that adorn His dwelling place.
The Groom is with Her again!
He awaits the homecoming of Her heart to His own.
Receive Him, She must,
as she faithfully brings forth His life into the world, renewed.
Her King Groom has returned!
Sing, Alleluia!
It is our night in the Upper Room with Him, today!
He finds us, seeks us and claims us for His own.
Fear does not define us in His eyes.
He goes through death, the tomb and finally...
doors of fear, to where we are.
He breathes His life into us.
He gives us our first wedding gift...
One that will remain in His place,
even when He must leave us for a while.
He desires to be able to find us,
and never to be separated from us.
It is the gift of romancing our soul to His Heart~
The 'absolvable' Reconciliation from
sin that would separate us from Him.
Alleluia, He is Risen!
Through His 'chosen grooms-in-waiting',
forgiveness will now define us,
and dress us for His Wedding Feast.
The homecoming will join us to His heart.
We will bring forth His life into the world.
Our King Groom has returned!
Alleluia, He is risen!
Sharon Marie Willoughby
Easter Sunday, April 12, 2009