
The friendship of mothers is best realize as we pray for each other in the vocation we share. We are daughters of the New Eve. It is Mary who waits for us, journeys with us, cries with us, laughs with us, teaches us, and prays with us. As we retire in the evenings, may we find joy in knowing that, we may be someone's mother by day, but by night, we sleep in peace as her daughters, first.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

One Moment in Time

A tribute to St. (sempermom)
Gianna Beretta Molla
Copyright 2002

There's no
greater love
that's ever
been known.
Than to
lay down
one's life for
His own.

So His little ones, may know His embrace.
A moment in all that it takes.

She left all the love her heart had known.
Her soul mate, her children, her home.
One life to live for all her Lord gave.
One moment in all that He'd take.

For no greater love has ever been known,
Than to lay down one's life for His own.
So His little ones may know His embrace
A moment in all that it takes.

She offered all the life she had been given.
her heart as an altar of sacrifice, hidden.
The garment she wore on her wedding day,
is now worn by her 'sons of the altar' ordained.

For no great love has ever been known,
Than to lay down one's life for His own.
So His little ones may know His embrace.
A moment in time was all that she gave.
One moment in time was all that He'd take.
A moment in all that it takes~~

Let the children come...
Let the children come to me...
Oh, let the children come...
Heaven's made of such as these....

One Moment in Time...
"In 1962, Gianna Beretta Molla made a quiet,
heroic choice. In 1994, the Church proclaimed
her 'Blessed'." On May 16, 2004,
she was canonized by Pope John Paul II.

Gianna was described as an ordinary woman
with an ability to transpose the gospel into
the joy of living. She was a dedicated physician,
wife, and mother. At the age of 39,
she became pregnant with her fourth child.
In her third month of pregnancy,
a large growth near her uterus was discovered
that would threaten the growth and
development of her baby.
Her life was also in danger due to the
possibility of a uterine rupture.
The recommendation was that
she have a complete hysterectomy,
which would have ended the life of her baby.
She insisted that all be done to save her baby.
The tumor was removed successfully.
There remained a threat of miscarriage
for three weeks after the surgery.
She carried her baby to term and
on April 21, 1962, Gianna Emanuela
was born via cesarean section.
Her husband remembers,
"She gazed on her for a long time in silence.
She clasped her to herself with
unutterable tenderness.
She caressed her lightly
without saying a word".

Tremendous suffering followed those brief,
joyful moments after her baby's birth.
She was diagnosed with septic peritonitis and
on April 28, 1962, Gianna died peacefully
in her home with her beloved husband
by her side and her children,
sleeping in the next room.

Gianna seemed to be fashioned her entire life
for this moment in time. From her earliest youth,
she fully accepted the gift of faith. She attended
Mass, daily and 'received from exemplary priests,
religious and wise professors,
a formation that was in harmony with
Cardinal John Henry Newman's idea of a university
in which theology, the arts, and sciences would
be taught in dialogue with one another.'

The story behind her wedding dress is
a profound example of the fruits of her faith
and formation. She confided in her best friend
that her wedding dress had to be
of the finest linen, should she one day have a son
that would become a priest. She would have
her dress made into a chasuble. Although
her only son married, those who love her
had her wedding dress made into a chasuble.
Bishops and priests have worn this beautiful,
silken chasuble to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice
of the Mass. She understood how the priesthood
and motherhood are intertwined. Today,
St. Gianna has many 'sons of the altar'. Indeed,
the future priesthood is passing through
our very homes.

Pope John Paul II has this to say on her behalf:
"A woman of heroic love, an outstanding wife
and mother, she gave dedicated witness to the
demanding values of the Gospel in her
daily life. By holding this woman up an an
example of Christian perfection, we would like
to pay homage to all brave mothers who dedicate
themselves to their own family without reserve,
who suffer in giving birth to their children, and
who are ready to make any effort, to face any
sacrifice, in order to pass on to them the best
of themselves...We thank you, heroic mohter,
for your invincible love. We thank you for the
sacrifice of your life. Today, Christ is restoring
to you the gift you gave Him. Indeed, He has the
power to give back the life you gave Him as an

The daughter of Gianna is also a physician.
Gianna Emanuela lives with her father in Italy.
He is in his nineties. The prayer she offers to her
mother brings to our hearts and minds a desire
to pray for all those mothers andchildren who
are in need of divine intervention:
"Dear Mom, I ask you to fill me and all those
who suffer and are in difficulty with your own
strength of soul, your hope, your courage to
live life to the full. Protect and help all mothers,
their families and all who turn to you and entrust
their needs to you."

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Yes is Forever

Dedicated to all
sempermoms who
have suffered
through miscarriage
Copyright 2002

She has given
more to heaven
than she beholds
on earth.

A mother labors in the soul
when heaven holds its birth.

Thoughts revealed
Hearts are stirred,
When 'yes' is forever.
'Yes' holds the mystery,
when embraced without boundaries.
'Yes' won't end when life begins,
It goes on for eternity...

This mother guides us to observe
the humble handmaid of the Lord,
who labored there beneath the Cross,
...the lessons learned!
...the lessons taught!

Thoughts revealed,
Hearts are stirred,
When 'yes' is forever.
'Yes' holds the mystery,
When embraced without boundaries.
'Yes' won't end when life begins.
It goes on for eternity.

And patiently this mother waits
Her eyes fixed on a greater place,
Where little ones sing prayers and praise.
And wait someday for her embrace.

Thoughts revealed,
Hearts are stirred,
When 'yes' is forever.
'Yes' holds the mystery,
when embraced without boundaries.
'Yes' won't end when life begins,
It goes on for eternity.

Thoughts revealed,
Hearts are stirred,
When 'yes' is forever....

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Tiny Candle

Dedicated to all
who have suffered
through abortion
copyright 9/11/92
S.M. Willoughby

Is there a place
Where I may find,
The unborn babies,
left behind.
In darkness,
tiny lives
are stilled.
Where now
does their soft light

I wish to be in their light
And what would become of my sight.
What source of life could there be...
to comfort me.
What gentle truth would help me see.

Why a mother's choice begins the end,
And life is taken from God's hand,
Why two are one, and both share life,
Yet one decides that one will die.

The breath of life will never cease.
This tiny candle burns in peace.
A mother's heart will hold this flame
A faithful spark to light her way
With open arms, He calls her name.

There is a place where I may find
An unborn baby, left behind.
Safe at rest in mother's soul,
A quiet guest, a gentle place.
A mother's heart, I must embrace.

Only in love
Can His voice
Have a place
In the choice that we make.

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Saturday, July 15, 2006

What's a Mother to Do?
~A Daughter's Tribute~

The motherhood of
my own mother served
as a channel of
supernatural grace for me,
as I grew in her care.
Her faithfulness
to motherhood
provided fertile ground,
as the truths of life
began to form in me
as a young child.
Mom was blessed with
seven pregnancies in
ten years.

My earliest awareness of her motherhood, took place when
I was four years old, as we waited for 'baby number three'
to be born. Nine months seems like forever

for a little four-year old sister to have to wait!
In my world, at that age, EVERYTHING was about babies.

I had a baby doll that I fed on a regular basis,
in between my naps, of course.
My grandmother was watching my brother and me
until Mom returned from the hospital.
Then the day finally arrived! Mom walked in the door.
I remember the expression on her face,
and even the hairstyle she had at the time.
I asked her in my four-year old excited tone,
"Where's the baby?"
Mom looked down at me,
and in a very somber gentle tone, said,
"Our baby is in heaven."
I was then rushed out of the room
by my grandmother, and was very puzzled.
My beautiful eight-pound baby sister
aspirated amniotic fluid in utero,
and died forty minutes after she was born.
Our Baby Mary Lorianne was buried in my Christening gown.

As I reflect back, it has occured to me that
my mother and father buried Lorianne deep within God's will.
This was the beginning of the truths of life for me.
God gave us Lorianne and God called her home.
That was all I knew.
I started to wonder about heaven in big ways.
For me, at that time,
heaven was a place full of babies.
That was all I knew.
So, my love for babies began to flow
into my love for heaven,
which I knew little about.
It must be a great place with all those babies there~
a fair deduction for a four-year old.
My mother suffered a miscarriage after Lorianne passed away.
But then, Mom had three babies,
each of them fifteen months apart.
I had all the babies I could hope for at that age!
This all began when I was around six years old.

There was a time when I remember
the three of them being in diapers,
all at the same time!
Mom helped me feel as though I was
second mother-in-command, as I assisted.

In natural ways, my parents were open to life and
received God's plan, even when that plan
lead them to the cross of loss.
My father especially directed me to pray
whenever the outcomes were unknown.
After three boys were born,
to include my older brother,
I felt as though a sister
was greatly needed in my life.
Dad encouraged me to storm heaven!
So I prayed really hard,
for what seemed to be forever!
I was in third grade when
baby sister Laura Rose was born!
We are nine years apart and
she is still as precious to us today
as the day she was born.
Dad made it clear to me that
God answered my prayers.
God heard me in that place
full of babies?
What an awesome God!
Dad taught me to play guitar
when I was eleven.
He helped me put my story
of the little miracle in my little life
into a song of prayer.

And so, we are a people of life,
when we cooperate with Him
as He forms life around our love.
As children grow in that openness
~ even little four year olds~
God's love is revealed in simple ways.
I am now the mother of seven,
six sons and a baby daughter.
The gift of life all began for me
when I was four years old,
under the care of parents
who could't wait to know me,
even before I was born!

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A Sister
words and music 1970
Sharon Marie Willoughby
David Palmiter
copyright 1992
Once I had a sister
who died when she was born.
Then came a little boy
and still, another more.
That made three brothers
and me all alone.
So, I asked my mother
if she would give me
a little sister
to call my own.
And she said...
My Dear, I'm not the one to come to.
What you ask I just can't give you.
I'm just a tool in the good Lord's hands
I've got to do what He commands.
So ask the Lord.
So I did just that, I asked the Lord
If He'd hear my prayer and grant my plea,
For a sister to love and call my own,
Oh please, God won't you answer me?
For my mom was with child and this would be her last.
So, I prayed real hard,
Real, real hard for the sister for whom I'd asked.
The days had past, the time was near
A baby would come in all its splendor
Then one day, in school at play,
My daddy came to the class, he had something to say.
The look on his face, he was smiling so bright.
Arms around me, holding me tight.
Before he spoke, the look in his eyes,
And I can tell you, they weren't very dry.
You have a sister he said, to rock-a-bye.
And I couldn't say too much, 'cause I was afraid I'd cry.
So my friends, if you have a special need.
And you're in doubt about who to see...

Friday, July 14, 2006

Chance Upon
copyright 1993
words and music
Sharon Marie Willoughby

Do you remember?
Do you remember...
The walk we made,
Long ago.
When we prayed

our love would reign in joy,
Or sorrow.
And how we danced,
As if there was
No tomorrow...
Oh, how we danced!
You held my hand!

If you chance upon my sorrow,
Know with you I'll face tomorrow.

If you should chance upon my joy,
it is in you that I rejoice.

May our joy and our sorrow
Chance upon the love
That He is calling us,
To follow...

Do you remember?
Do you remember...
Our journey blessed
By little ones
I have seen within your eyes,
How much one man can love...
And how we danced,
As if there was
no tomorrow...
Oh, how we danced! You held my hand!

If you chance upon my sorrow
Know with you I'll face tomorrow.
If you should chance upon my joy
It is in you that I rejoice.
May our joy
And our sorrow
Chance upon the love
That He is calling us,
To follow...

As we dance,
Hand in hand
Three becoming one
Three becoming one,
In love....
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