
The friendship of mothers is best realize as we pray for each other in the vocation we share. We are daughters of the New Eve. It is Mary who waits for us, journeys with us, cries with us, laughs with us, teaches us, and prays with us. As we retire in the evenings, may we find joy in knowing that, we may be someone's mother by day, but by night, we sleep in peace as her daughters, first.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Prayer to the Angel Guardian of a Parish
June 19, 2006
Corpus Christi Week
(by Sharon Marie Willoughby)

We salute you, Angel Guardian, as we enter this Parish!
Assist us as we seek to present ourselves before the Lord,
who dwells near the Santuary Candle.
Guide us to where we may place our first greetings
in honor of His Presence.

As we bless ourselves with holy water,
remind us of our Baptism.
Help us to experience gratitude in our hearts
as we move the sign of the Cross
to form a providential mantle over our senses.
Usher us to the place where we may pray,
whole-heartedly, before Mass begins.

At that moment, present us to Our Lady Mother.
Whisper to her that it is by your protection,
we are entrusted to this place before her.
Remain in our keeping throughout our time here.
Should our ears be flooded with sacred unawareness,
transform our prayer to rise as a sacrificial offering for others.
Should our eyes wander to lesser realities, halt our thoughts!
Bring them back to where it is that you serve.

As the procession before Mass begins,
enjoin our voices to sing high praises, as our priest moves among us.
Collect our thanksgiving for his ministry and present this to Our Lord.
As we begin our prayers,
help us to hear our voices blending with the body of Christ,
in childlike appreciation.

As the Sacred Word is offered in our hearing, slow the meaning
so that we may see ourselves in the Father's Plan.
Help us to receive the light of the Living Word,
in proportion to the Will of the Father.

As the moments of Consecration draw near,
pierce our consciences to awaken our senses.
These words, spoken by the priest, lead us to the Sacred Mysteries.
Rule this moment in our hearts, Guardian Warrior!
Should this moment pass us by, preserve the graces for us.
Plead Christ's Mercy on our souls as we approach to receive
what is not ours to claim.
As we rest in our visitation with His Presence,
remind us of the prayer that
Our Lady Mother proclaimed during her visitation with Elizabeth,
"The Magnificat".

As we prepare to be sent,
magnify the Holy Trinity that abides in us,
to all we meet.

As you serve this Holy Place in our absence,
remember all the souls that will come to attend this Mass in the future.
Charge our Guardian Angels to prepare us to present ourselves
in modesty, humility, and reverence,
as we prepare to participate in what it is that you know,
that we fail to understand.
Shield us, teach us, prepare us!
"Who is like unto God".

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