
The friendship of mothers is best realize as we pray for each other in the vocation we share. We are daughters of the New Eve. It is Mary who waits for us, journeys with us, cries with us, laughs with us, teaches us, and prays with us. As we retire in the evenings, may we find joy in knowing that, we may be someone's mother by day, but by night, we sleep in peace as her daughters, first.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Wedding Novena Fifth Day~Monday, December1st, 2014

Our Lady Undoer of Knots
Our prayer intention for Ryan and Heather

"May they live long, blessed lives together. 

May their love grow stronger each and every day.  
May they build a family rooted in faith and unconditional love."  

First Reading from the Mass of Heather and Ryan's Wedding Day
Song of Solomon
2:8-10,14,16; 8:6-7

The voice of my beloved!
Behold, he comes, leaping upon the mountains,
bounding over the hills.
My beloved is like a gazelle, or a young stag.

Behold, there he stands behind our wall,
gazing in at the windows,
looking through the lattice.
My beloved speaks and says to me;
"Arise, my love, my dove, my fair one, and come away…"

O my dove, in the clefts of the rock,
in the covert of the cliff, let me see your face,
let me hear your voice, for your voice is sweet,
and your face is comely.

My beloved is mine and I am his,
he pastures his flock among the lilies.
Set me as a seal upon your heart,
as a seal upon your arm;
for love is strong as death,
jealousy as cruel as the grave.
Its flashes are flashes of fire,

a most vehement flame.
Many waters cannot quench love,
neither can floods drown it.
If a man offered for love all the wealth of his house,
it would be utterly scorned.
Make the Sign of the Cross
Preparation Prayer                                             
O Blessed Mother, who in submission to God,
 lived a life of humility and service, visit me with your grace.
Through your intercession, instill in my heart
a love for all members of the human family,
Especially those whom I have the most trouble loving 
and those whom I have the most trouble serving.
Pray with me now, beautiful intercessor, and with your grace,
help me to untie the knots that bind your children on Earth.
Through prayer and service to others, 
May I live according to your example 
and be brought ever closer to your Son, Jesus.
Fifth Day
Praying for the poor

Ryan and Heather chose The Servant Song for their Wedding Mass Communion Hymn
The Servant Song
(If you click on this link, you will share a beautiful visual
and melodic rendition from the Maranatha! Promise Band)

James 2:5
"Listen, my dear friends!  God chose the poor people of this world 
to be rich in faith and to possess the kingdom 
which He promised to those who love Him."

Daily Intention
Holy Mary, ever present help of the needy and lowly,
give your intercessory aid to the poor of this world. 
Hear their cries for food, water, shelter, 
humane living conditions, and peace. 
See how these troubles affect your poor, 
and together with Saint Martin de Porres
undo their knots of despair and hopelessness.
Lead the poor along the path of holiness and pray that, 
through their poverty,
they will build the kingdom of God, 
for the kingdom belongs to those such as these.

Lastly, Mother, pray that I may have your love for the poor.
Untie knots of complacency and apathy in me
by sending me to serve the needy, 
give of my own time, talent, and treasure, 
and turn to my poverty-stricken brethren in love.

Concluding Prayer

Powerful Mother who unties our knots,
hear these prayers and the prayers of all the faithful.
Intercede for my brothers and sisters, and with your influence,
loose the entanglements and knots which hold them captive.
Forgive the human race for its unbelief 
and lead us all to faith in your Son, Jesus Christ the Lord.
Last of all, most Blessed Virgin, pray for me,
who is most in need of your grace and mercy.
Untie the knots in my own heart and in my own life, 
and free me to love as Christ loves.

Mary, Undoer of Knots, pray for us.

Novena of Service to Mary, Undoer of Knots
Alan Schreck, Ph.D
Censor Librorum

*Most Reverend Jeffrey M.Morforton

Bishop of Steubenville


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