Seven Great Archangels
Divine Mercy 24 Hour Perpetual Adoration Chapel
Key West, Florida
Mary Star of the Sea Parish
Saint Sealtiel Saint Gabriel
"And another angel came and stood before the altar,
having a golden censer:
and there was given him much incense,
that he should offer of the prayers
of all the saints upon the golden altar,
which is before the throne of God.
And the smoke of the incense
of the prayers of the saints ascended up
before God from the hand of the angel."
(Apoc 8:3-4)
In preparation for receiving the feast days
of the Archangels and the Guardian Angels,
I treated myself to a 2009 publication of Mike Aquilina's book,
Angels of God, the Bible The Church and the Heavenly Hosts.
I read the 117 page book in one day,
all in the midst a life that does not stand still.
Mike researches the Scriptural accounts of these heavenly beings
whose primary task is to assist us on the forward journey to our heavenly eternity.
The angels are mentioned over 300 times in the Scriptures,
which is no small hint of their importance in the ministry of man.
This year,
I was inspired by one particular account of Raphael in the book of Tobit 12:15,
where he announces after the healing of Tobias,
'I am Raphael, one of the seven holy angels who present the prayers of the saints
and enter into the presence of the glory of the Lord'.
My natural inner desire to learn more about these seven Archangels,
caused me to go on a treasure hunt to discover them
and invoke their intercession at a time
when storming heaven is the daily spiritual weather forecast in my life.
I found a Catholic Church in Bulgaria that defines these seven Archangels
and their role in the ministry of man.
These Archangels are the patrons of the Sacraments!
I am listing them, to include their prayers and resources from the Raccolta.
This information was taken from the website listed;
I hope you find these Angels to be the friends that always make a difference!
Saint Michael
means "Who is like unto God?"
Patron of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.
He defends Our Lord, Who is helpless in the Blessed Sacrament. This is a portent of his authority to punish those who sin against this Sacrament.
Saint Gabriel
"God Conquers"
means the "might of God".
Patron of the Sacrament of Baptism
He is the Archangel of the Annunciation and
the Incarnation's triumph over sin and death.
His lilies represent the new purity of the soul through
the sacraments of Baptism and Confession,
both sacraments made possible by the Redemption.
His banner is the declaration of Our Lady's universal motherhood.
Saint Raphael
"God Heals"
Patron of the Sacrament of Penance
He carries a jug of oil for anointing.
The fish traditionally symbolizes the soul
and the oil the healing of it's ailments through confession.
The story of his protection of young Tobias
and the healing his father Tobit is in the Old Testament only in a Catholic Bible.
Saint Uriel
means "Fire of God"
Patron of the Sacrament of Confirmation.
He carries the Sword of Truth for Soldiers of Christ,
which we become through this Sacrament.
Fire reminds us of the descent of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost
and the flames of the gifts of the Holy Ghost.
It reminds us that our hearts should burn
with love for God like the holiest of Seraphim,
like the Sacred hearts of Jesus and Mary.
St. Uriel carries the scales
by which we are to weigh our actions.
It is also a reminder of the Scales of perfect Justice
by which our lives are weighed at our judgement.
Saint Jehudiel
"Praise of God"
Patron of the Sacrament of Extreme Unction,
anointing of the sick and dying.
He carries the flaming crown of salvation,
a symbol of God's mercy and the crown of
the victory of grace which awaits the saints in the next life.
It is also a reminder of the crown of sufferings to
be endured in this life in imitation of Our Lord.
Saint Sealtiel
means "Prayer of God"
Patron of the Sacrament of Holy Orders
He carries and incenser,
symbol of the prayers and offering
of the Divine Sacrifice of the Mass,
only through the actions of the ordained.
"And another angel came and stood before the altar,
having a golden censer:
and there was given him much incesne,
that he should offer of the prayers
of all the saints upon the golden altar,
which is before the throne of God.
And the smoke of the incense
of the prayers of the saints ascended up
before God from the hand of hte angel."
Apoc 8:3-4
Saint Barachiel
Blessings of God
Patron of the Sacrament of Matrimony
He carries and abundant basket of bread,
the staff of life,
symbolizing Christian parenthood
and the grave responsibilities
both spiritual and temporal,
to produce and provide for,
the children God desires of married couples.
He is a powerful intercessor for
the barren and well as for troubled marriages.
He carries in his hand a book,
a reminder of the wealth of instructions in the Holy Scripture,
the writings of the saints
and Papal encyclicals
for husbands, wives and children concerning marriage and family life.
Saint Michael, Pray for us!
October 4th, 2009
At 1:39 PM, Morning Star said…
This is AWESOME, Sempermom!! Thank you for making your efforts available to us! I bet our heavenly friends keep a special eye out for you with your attention to them! Holy Angels, please pray for us, and protect us!
At 12:59 PM, Mariamante said…
Sharon, This is beautiful!!! Thank you so much for doing the research and sharing. I am helping with the Confirmation class this year so knowing about St. Uriel is very helpful. Thank you.
At 1:27 PM, the booklady said…
I keep thinking I'll reach a plateau of some sort in my learning about our faith, but then I discover something like this and learn how much I still don't know! Thank you Sharon! Very interesting and useful!
Blessings on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe!
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