Saint Gianna's Relics Visit the Arlington Diocese
March 24th March 25th, 2011
~Lenten Mothers Gathering March 24thMarch 24th March 25th, 2011
~Pope John Paul the Great Catholic High School
~40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil
~Solemnity of the Annunciation Mass at Our Lady of Angels
~Our Lady of Angels Parish Presentation
Lenten Mothers Gathering
Jordan Venerating her Gloves
Arlington Catholic Herald Article on Saint Gianna's RelicsJason
Saint Gianna's Wedding Dress on the white of the Mass vestment
Mother Janice
Mother Cynthia
Mother Julie
40 Days for Life Vigil in Manassas
Saint Gianna and Joe at John Paul the Great High School
Fr. Zuberbueler, a 'spiritual son' of Saint Gianna
Our Lady of Angels Presentation by Joe
Fr. Duesterhaus, a 'spiritual son' of Saint Gianna
Father DuesterhausSculpture in the Parish Church where Saint Gianna's and Pietro's children were baptized
and where her funeral took place in Mesero, Italy
Mother Janice
Mother Cynthia
Mother Julie
40 Days for Life Vigil in Manassas
Saint Gianna and Joe at John Paul the Great High School
Fr. Zuberbueler, a 'spiritual son' of Saint Gianna
Our Lady of Angels Presentation by Joe
Fr. Duesterhaus, a 'spiritual son' of Saint Gianna
Father DuesterhausSculpture in the Parish Church where Saint Gianna's and Pietro's children were baptized
and where her funeral took place in Mesero, Italy
Dear Mothers,
Our night was truly blessed to have so many mothers together
to receive the graces from the relics of Saint Gianna.
Some mothers were invited
into the friendship of Saint Gianna for the first time,
while others venerated her relics,
as if visiting with a cherished friend.
to receive the graces from the relics of Saint Gianna.
Some mothers were invited
into the friendship of Saint Gianna for the first time,
while others venerated her relics,
as if visiting with a cherished friend.
Joe Cunningham has been a very close friend
to the Molla family over the past 11 years
and was instrumental in bringing her life's story to the United States.
Pietro Molla, Gianna's husband, sent him the piece of Gianna's wedding dress
used to make this Mass Vestment by a Religious Sister in Texas.
The images used on the vestment are from the mosaic
where Saint Gianna is interred in Mesero, Italy.
When the Priests, Bishops and Cardinals
wear this Mass vestment to offer the Holy Mass,
they become the 'spiritual sons' of Saint Gianna.
Fr. Zuberbueler and Fr. Duesterhaus, both, were able to wear this Vestment
for the Masses offered on the Solemnity of the Annunciation.
On the front of this vestment there are 4 large roses,
symbolizing the four children of Saint Gianna.
There are two very small roses
remembering the two miscarriage she suffered
before her last baby, Gianna Emanuela, was born.
The wedding bands symbolize the sanctity of their marriage.
Though only married six years,
Pietro witnessed to the holiness of his bride,
48 years until his death at the age of 97 on Holy Saturday 2010.
Mothers were able to touch the vestment
and hold the leather gloves of this mother-Saint!
After our night together,
Joe Cunningham accompanied us to the 40 Days for Life Vigil
at the Manassas Abortion clinic on March 25th.
This very large, 5' x 4' tapestry of Saint Gianna and her little Marolina,
was held up by Joe for over 30 minutes for all who passed by to see.
My son kept asking him if his arms were tired.
He admitted they were in responding,
"Yes, but this is the least I can do. This is what I do."
Her image radiates the joy of motherhood to all who passed by on that day.
Saint Gianna's title, given her by Venerable Pope John Paul the Great,
as 'Mother of the Family',
truly had a place in witnessing to the joy of receiving life,
which is offered by God in the silence of His plan.
After our time in Manassas,
Joe gave a presentation to the entire student body
at Pope John Paul the great and then, a presentation at Our Lady of Angels
after the Mass on Friday evening, offered by Fr. Duesterhaus.
Our gratitude extends beyond the event, uplifted in prayer,
most especially to our Church who is 'always a Mother',
and has seen to it that we learn of this mother-Saint,
who gave all that she had for those she loved.
We have already heard from mothers who have encountered
healing in their lives from this time with our patron mother-Saint's relics.
Thanks be to God!
Blessings, in Their Hearts,
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