
The friendship of mothers is best realize as we pray for each other in the vocation we share. We are daughters of the New Eve. It is Mary who waits for us, journeys with us, cries with us, laughs with us, teaches us, and prays with us. As we retire in the evenings, may we find joy in knowing that, we may be someone's mother by day, but by night, we sleep in peace as her daughters, first.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Under the Wood
words/music SMWilloughby
copyright 1992

He was born
under the wood,
A humble acclaim.
The son
of a carpenter,
He chose to obey.

As He grew
in the care
of a man
with a trade...

The wood
as a means
by which
His work
was complete.

He learned of the patience
To carve and to shape.
To be part of the wood,
Where His love was to lead.
To carve in our hearts
His love and His peace...

The wood as a means,
by which His work
was complete.

The wood used as parchment
Where many would write,
The love that He offered,
The truth of His life.
The Book of His Word
There for all who would read...

The wood as a means,
by which His work
was complete.

We are brought under the wood,
As we gather in faith.
The letters of love are read,
While we wait,
For someone far greater
than paper or wood...
The presence of Jesus,
In His Body and His Blood...

The wood as a means,
by which His work
IS complete.

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